Midwest Alliance for Patient Safety

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cpinasco - (4/24/2020 2:13:16 PM)
COVID-19 Update on Illinois Stay-At-Home Order - April 24, 2020
Elective Surgeries to be Conditionally Allowed Starting May 1
Stay-At-Home to Extend Through May 30
Yesterday, Governor J.B. Pritzker announced that a modified Stay-At-Home order will go into effect on May 1 extending the order through May.  As part of the modified order, certain elective surgeries for non-life-threatening conditions will be allowed at hospitals and surgi-centers, under certain conditions, starting May 1.
As part of efforts to urge the Pritzker administration to allow postponed elective surgeries to resume, IHA this week initiated two conference calls with the administration and many hospital leaders throughout the state to press the importance of resuming postponed surgeries and non-emergent surgeries and procedures for the health and well-being of patients.  Those calls were productive, and we thank the leaders who participated in the calls and delivered key information from the field to the administration about the extraordinary capabilities hospitals have already demonstrated to safely conduct non-emergent surgeries and procedures, while caring for COVID-19 patients.
In addition, Illinois residents will be asked to wear masks or face coverings when going into public places or areas where social distancing is not possible.  If you know of resources for free masks, we urge you to reach out and donate to first responders, senior cites and underserved communities.

Stay well, The MAPS PSO Team
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